First Nations Management Courses

Social Services

This 3 day course feature’s Abenaki’s Social Assistance & Case Management Module.  Participants will learn all of the aspects of the setup of the program and the daily operation.  Topics covered include:  how to setup the organization, setting up security, defining dictionary items, integration with Sage 300, entering  client application and Budget & Decision details, Client and Vendor payment processing using the Social Assistance Module directly or Sage 300.  Month end and year end procedures are also covered along with data backup procedures.

Post Secondary Student Management

Post Secondary Education: this 3 day course will guide participants through the steps required to get Abenaki’s Post-Secondary Student Tracking Module up and running.  Participants will be guided through the steps involved in the setup and day to day operation of the program.  Topics to be covered include: Organization setup; Security; Sage 300 integration; defining dictionary items; entering student information; payment production for students and vendors directly in the program; payment production for students and vendors using Sage 300 integration; report production; Month end and year end procedures.

Case Management

This 1 day course is becoming increasingly popular due to the Implementation of an Active Measures approach to the delivery of Social Assistance.  During the course, participants will learn how to set-up security, add and edit clients, enter employment objectives, track skills, track employment and training history, and any services the client has been referred to.  Participants will also learn how to print reports to help them monitor their case load.

Housing Inventory Management

Our Housing Workshops will demonstrate exactly how this powerful new tool can gather hard information and facts to justify requests for funds so you can improve and maintain existing and new housing assets. You can also compile information on certain types of repairs that require replacements such as doors and windows to negotiate volume pricing from suppliers.

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